About Us

Company Overview

Kagin Enterprises is a Tampa Bay based brand portfolio company that specializes in developing ecommerce companies, creating innovative products, conducting product and industry research, and executing effective sales and marketing strategies.

Our in-house team of experts has a proven track record of success in helping our brands grow and thrive.

What We Do...

Market Research

Market Research

At Kagin Enterprises, market research plays a crucial role in driving sales and growing the company’s brand portfolio. By regularly gathering data on consumer behavior, preferences, and market trends, we’re able to make informed decisions about how to best position and market our products.

Kagin Enterprises’ commitment to market research helps us stay ahead of the curve, drive revenue, and continue to grow our brand portfolio. By staying attuned to the needs and desires our brand’s customers, we’re able to continually offer high-quality products and experiences that drive sales and build brand loyalty.

Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Kagin Enterprises uses a variety of marketing techniques and campaigns to drive sales, grow our brands, and increase revenue. By regularly gathering data on consumer behavior, preferences, and market trends, we’re able to develop targeted marketing strategies that effectively reach and engage our target audiences.

To ensure that our marketing efforts are effectively driving sales and contributing to the overall success of the company, Kagin Enterprises regularly tracks and measures a variety of key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics help us understand the impact of our marketing campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

Product Design

Product Design

As an e-commerce brand portfolio company, Kagin Enterprises is always looking for new ways to develop and launch profitable products. To do this, we leverage a variety of product design techniques to ensure that our new products meet the needs and desires of their customers.

Kagin Enterprises is able to design and develop high-quality products. By staying up-to-date on the latest industry techniques and technologies, we’re able to continually innovate and offer new,  products that drive sales and grow our brand portfolio.

In addition, we leverage multiple production methods. The specific production method used will depend on the nature of the product, the volume of production, and the resources available

Product Sourcing

Product Sourcing

Kagin Enterprises is always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to source wholesale and private label products. By utilizing a variety of product sourcing techniques, Kagin Enterprises is able to bring a diverse range of products to market, both domestically and internationally.

Kagin Enterprises sources products through wholesale distributors and through private label arrangements. By partnering with established distributors, Kagin Enterprises is able to access a wide range of products at competitive prices. By working with manufacturers directly, Kagin Enterprises is able to customize products to meet the specific needs of its customers.

Sourcing products from a variety of sources can be complex, and Kagin Enterprises is well-equipped to handle the logistics and warehousing needs of its business, ensuring that products are delivered to customers in a timely and cost-effective manner.